
Aspect Insights is our podcast on Bazel and its ecosystem.

We invite experts and practitioners to share their knowledge and keep developers updated on the latest developments. Follow us to find out about upcoming episodes. Join us live!

What is Bazel?

Conference talks

Building Monorepo gRPC Services with Bazel

Achieving the Promised 3x-10x Bazel Speedup

Aspect Workflows

Python and Bazel: Aspect’s rules_py

Bazel-lib for BUILD and rules authors

I'm an Imposter and So Can You: working in many languages at once

Aspect.build: An end-to-end Bazel experience developers want to use

Bazel community update

Using Bazel for JavaScript Projects

Google Open Source Live "Bazel day":
Full Event

BazelCon 2019 Day 2: Bazel Migration Patterns

ng-conf 2019: The Bazel opt-in preview is here

Google Cloud Next: Building Apps Like Google with Angular, Bazel, and GCP

BazelCon 2018: Building Large Angular Apps with Bazel

ng-conf 2018: Full Stack development with Nx and Bazel

AngularMIX: Develop Angular like Google Does

Meetup talks

Migrating away from rules_docker to rules_oci

STT e53 - The Bazel Build System, and Aspect.dev (Guest: Alex Eagle)

AngularNYC Meetup: Bazel in Angular CLI

ModernWeb Meetup: Layering in JS tooling


Communications of the ACM: Lessons from Building Static Analysis Tools at Google

Testing on the Toilet: Change-Detector Tests Considered Harmful

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